I am Faculty/Train Health Professionals

The following 2 programs may be available to you.

Faculty Loan Repayment Program

Nurse Faculty Loan Program

Have a question about any of these programs?

Click Here! We Can Help!

Questions? Contact us!

Joni Adamson

3325 Emerald Lane Ste. B
Jefferson City, Missouri 65109

Phone: 573-636-4222

Email Joni Adamson, VP of Workforce Development

​Ashley Yeager

​3325 Emerald Lane Ste. B
Jefferson City, Missouri 65109

Phone: 573-636-4222

Email ​Ashley Yeager, Workforce Development Specialist

Mariah Kliethermes

3325 Emerald Lane Ste. B Jefferson City, MO 65109

Phone: 573-636-4222

Email Mariah Kliethermes, Workforce Development Coordinator